
3.5 KiB


Simple and flexbile QtQuick based desktop shell toolkit.

Hosted on: outfoxxed's gitea, github

Documentation available at quickshell.outfoxxed.me or can be built from the quickshell-docs repo.

Some fully working examples can be found in the quickshell-examples repo.

Both the documentation and examples are included as submodules with revisions that work with the current version of quickshell.

You can clone everything with

$ git clone --recursive https://git.outfoxxed.me/outfoxxed/quickshell.git

Or clone missing submodules later with

$ git submodule update --init --recursive



This repo has a nix flake you can use to install the package directly:

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";

    quickshell = {
      url = "git+https://git.outfoxxed.me/outfoxxed/quickshell";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

Quickshell's binary is available at quickshell.packages.<system>.default to be added to lists such as environment.systemPackages or home.packages.

quickshell.packages.<system>.nvidia is also available for nvidia users which fixes some common crashes.

Note: by default this package is built with clang as it is significantly faster.


If not using nix, you'll have to build from source.


To build quickshell at all, you will need the following packages (names may vary by distro)

  • just
  • cmake
  • ninja
  • Qt6 [ QtBase, QtDeclarative ]

To build with wayland support you will additionally need:

  • pkg-config
  • wayland
  • wayland-scanner (may be part of wayland on some distros)
  • wayland-protocols
  • Qt6 [ QtWayland ]

To build with x11 support you will additionally need:

  • libxcb

To build with pipewire support you will additionally need:

  • libpipewire


To make a release build of quickshell run:

$ just release

If running an nvidia GPU, instead run:

$ just configure release -DNVIDIA_COMPAT=ON
$ just build

(These commands are just aliases for cmake commands you can run directly, see the Justfile for more information.)

If you have all the dependencies installed and they are in expected locations this will build correctly.

To install to /usr/local/bin run as root (usually sudo) in the same folder:

$ just install

Building (Nix)

You can build directly using the provided nix flake or nix package.

nix build
nix build -f package.nix # calls default.nix with a basic callPackage expression


For nix there is a devshell available from shell.nix and as a devShell output from the flake.

The Justfile contains various useful aliases:

  • just configure [<debug|release> [extra cmake args]]
  • just build (runs configure for debug mode)
  • just run [args]
  • just clean
  • just test [args] (configure with -DBUILD_TESTING=ON first)
  • just fmt
  • just lint


Licensed under the GNU LGPL 3.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution submitted for inclusion shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.