2024-09-28 02:35:19 +03:00

71 lines
2.9 KiB

"name": "GlobalShortcut",
"module": "Quickshell.Hyprland",
"type": "class",
"super": {
"type": "qt",
"module": "qml.QtQml",
"name": "QtObject"
"description": "Hyprland global shortcut.",
"details": "Global shortcut implemented with [hyprland_global_shortcuts_v1].\n\nYou can use this within hyprland as a global shortcut:\n```\nbind = <modifiers>, <key>, global, <appid>:<name>\n```\nSee [the wiki] for details.\n\n{{< callout type=\"warning\" >}}\n The shortcuts protocol does not allow duplicate appid + name pairs.\nWithin a single instance of quickshell this is handled internally, and both\nusers will be notified, but multiple instances of quickshell or XDPH may collide.\n\nIf that happens, whichever client that tries to register the shortcuts last will crash.\n{{< /callout >}}\n\n{{< callout type=\"info\" >}}\n This type does *not* use the xdg-desktop-portal global shortcuts protocol,\nas it is not fully functional without flatpak and would cause a considerably worse\nuser experience from other limitations. It will only work with Hyprland.\nNote that, as this type bypasses xdg-desktop-portal, XDPH is not required.\n{{< /callout >}}\n\n[hyprland_global_shortcuts_v1]: https://github.com/hyprwm/hyprland-protocols/blob/main/protocols/hyprland-global-shortcuts-v1.xml\n[the wiki]: https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Binds/#dbus-global-shortcuts\n",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": {
"type": "qt",
"module": "qml",
"name": "string"
"details": "The name of the shortcut.\nYou cannot change this at runtime.\n"
"appid": {
"type": {
"type": "qt",
"module": "qml",
"name": "string"
"details": "The appid of the shortcut. Defaults to `quickshell`.\nYou cannot change this at runtime.\n\nIf you have more than one shortcut we recommend subclassing\nGlobalShortcut to set this.\n"
"description": {
"type": {
"type": "qt",
"module": "qml",
"name": "string"
"details": "The description of the shortcut that appears in `hyprctl globalshortcuts`.\nYou cannot change this at runtime.\n"
"pressed": {
"type": {
"type": "qt",
"module": "qml",
"name": "bool"
"details": "If the keybind is currently pressed.\n",
"flags": [
"triggerDescription": {
"type": {
"type": "qt",
"module": "qml",
"name": "string"
"details": "Have not seen this used ever, but included for completeness. Safe to ignore.\n"
"functions": [],
"signals": {
"pressed": {
"name": "pressed",
"details": "Fired when the keybind is pressed.\n",
"params": []
"released": {
"name": "released",
"details": "Fired when the keybind is released.\n",
"params": []
"variants": {}