{ "name": "PwAudioChannel", "module": "Quickshell.Services.Pipewire", "type": "class", "super": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml.QtQml", "name": "QtObject" }, "description": "Audio channel of a pipewire node.", "details": "See TYPE99MQS_Quickshell_Services_Pipewire99NPwNodeAudio99Vchannels99Tprop99TYPE.\n", "flags": [ "enum" ], "properties": {}, "functions": [ { "ret": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml", "name": "string" }, "name": "toString", "id": "toString", "details": "Print a human readable representation of the given channel,\nincluding aux and custom channel ranges.\n", "params": [ { "name": "value", "type": { "type": "local", "module": "Quickshell.Services.Pipewire", "name": "PwAudioChannel" } } ] } ], "signals": {}, "variants": { "TopCenter": { "details": null }, "Mono": { "details": null }, "AuxRangeEnd": { "details": "The end of the aux channel range.\n\nValues between AuxRangeStart and AuxRangeEnd are valid.\n" }, "TopRearLeft": { "details": null }, "TopRearRight": { "details": null }, "FrontLeftHigh": { "details": null }, "RearRightCenter": { "details": null }, "TopSideLeft": { "details": null }, "LowFrequencyEffects": { "details": null }, "FrontCenterHigh": { "details": null }, "BottomRightCenter": { "details": null }, "FrontCenter": { "details": null }, "FrontRightCenter": { "details": null }, "LowFrequencyEffectsRight": { "details": null }, "RearLeft": { "details": null }, "RearLeftCenter": { "details": null }, "FrontLeftCenter": { "details": null }, "RearRight": { "details": null }, "FrontRightHigh": { "details": null }, "TopFrontCenter": { "details": null }, "Unknown": { "details": null }, "TopFrontLeft": { "details": null }, "BottomCenter": { "details": null }, "TopFrontRightCenter": { "details": null }, "FrontRightWide": { "details": null }, "FrontRight": { "details": null }, "LowFrequencyEffects2": { "details": null }, "FrontLeftWide": { "details": null }, "LowFrequencyEffectsLeft": { "details": null }, "FrontLeft": { "details": null }, "TopFrontRight": { "details": null }, "SideLeft": { "details": null }, "SideRight": { "details": null }, "RearCenter": { "details": null }, "TopFrontLeftCenter": { "details": null }, "TopRearCenter": { "details": null }, "AuxRangeStart": { "details": "The start of the aux channel range.\n\nValues between AuxRangeStart and AuxRangeEnd are valid.\n" }, "TopSideRight": { "details": null }, "NA": { "details": null }, "BottomLeftCenter": { "details": null }, "CustomRangeStart": { "details": "The end of the custom channel range.\n\nValues starting at CustomRangeStart are valid.\n" } } }