{ "name": "TransformWatcher", "module": "Quickshell", "type": "class", "super": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml.QtQml", "name": "QtObject" }, "description": "Monitor of all geometry changes between two objects.", "details": "The TransformWatcher monitors all properties that affect the geometry\nof two {{< qmltypelink type=\"qt\" module=\"qml.QtQuick\" name=\"Item\" mtype=\"\" mname=\"\" >}}s relative to eachother.\n\n{{< callout type=\"info\" >}}\n The algorithm responsible for determining the relationship\nbetween `a` and `b` is biased towards `a` being a parent of `b`,\nor `a` being closer to the common parent of `a` and `b` than `b`.\n\n{{< /callout >}}", "properties": { "commonParent": { "type": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml.QtQuick", "name": "Item" }, "details": "Known common parent of both `a` and `b`. Defaults to `null`.\n\nThis property can be used to optimize the algorithm that figures out\nthe relationship between `a` and `b`. Setting it to something that is not\na common parent of both `a` and `b` will prevent the path from being determined\ncorrectly, and setting it to `null` will disable the optimization.\n" }, "transform": { "type": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml.QtQml", "name": "QtObject" }, "details": "This property is updated whenever the geometry of any item in the path from `a` to `b` changes.\n\nIts value is undefined, and is intended to trigger an expression update.\n", "flags": [ "readonly" ] }, "b": { "type": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml.QtQuick", "name": "Item" }, "details": null }, "a": { "type": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml.QtQuick", "name": "Item" }, "details": null } }, "functions": [], "signals": {}, "variants": {} }