{ "name": "ShellScreen", "module": "Quickshell", "type": "class", "super": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml.QtQml", "name": "QtObject" }, "description": null, "details": "Monitor object useful for setting the monitor for a {{< qmltypelink type=\"local\" module=\"Quickshell\" name=\"QsWindow\" mtype=\"\" mname=\"\" >}}\nor querying information about the monitor.\n\n{{< callout type=\"warning\" >}}\n If the monitor is disconnected than any stored copies of its ShellMonitor will\nbe marked as dangling and all properties will return default values.\nReconnecting the monitor will not reconnect it to the ShellMonitor object.\n{{< /callout >}}\n\nDue to some technical limitations, it was not possible to reuse the native qml {{< qmltypelink type=\"qt\" module=\"qml.QtQuick\" name=\"Screen\" mtype=\"\" mname=\"\" >}} type.\n", "flags": [ "uncreatable" ], "properties": { "devicePixelRatio": { "type": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml", "name": "real" }, "details": "The ratio between physical pixels and device-independent (scaled) pixels.\n", "flags": [ "readonly" ] }, "width": { "type": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml", "name": "int" }, "details": null, "flags": [ "readonly" ] }, "orientation": { "type": { "type": "unknown", "module": "", "name": "" }, "details": null, "flags": [ "readonly" ] }, "logicalPixelDensity": { "type": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml", "name": "real" }, "details": "The number of device-independent (scaled) pixels per millimeter.\n", "flags": [ "readonly" ] }, "primatyOrientation": { "type": { "type": "unknown", "module": "", "name": "" }, "details": null, "flags": [ "readonly" ] }, "y": { "type": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml", "name": "int" }, "details": null, "flags": [ "readonly" ] }, "name": { "type": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml", "name": "string" }, "details": "The name of the screen as seen by the operating system.\n\nUsually something like `DP-1`, `HDMI-1`, `eDP-1`.\n", "flags": [ "readonly" ] }, "height": { "type": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml", "name": "int" }, "details": null, "flags": [ "readonly" ] }, "x": { "type": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml", "name": "int" }, "details": null, "flags": [ "readonly" ] }, "physicalPixelDensity": { "type": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml", "name": "real" }, "details": "The number of physical pixels per millimeter.\n", "flags": [ "readonly" ] } }, "functions": [ { "ret": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml", "name": "string" }, "name": "toString", "id": "toString", "details": null, "params": [] } ], "signals": {}, "variants": {} }