{ "name": "PwNodeAudio", "module": "Quickshell.Services.Pipewire", "type": "class", "super": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml.QtQml", "name": "QtObject" }, "description": "Audio specific properties of pipewire nodes.", "details": "Extra properties of a {{< qmltypelink type=\"local\" module=\"Quickshell.Services.Pipewire\" name=\"PwNode\" mtype=\"\" mname=\"\" >}} if the node is an audio node.\n\nSee {{< qmltypelink type=\"local\" module=\"Quickshell.Services.Pipewire\" name=\"PwNode\" mtype=\"prop\" mname=\"audio\" >}}.\n", "flags": [ "uncreatable" ], "properties": { "channels": { "type": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml", "name": "list", "of": { "type": "local", "module": "Quickshell.Services.Pipewire", "name": "PwAudioChannel" } }, "details": "The audio channels present on the node.\n\n{{< callout type=\"warning\" >}}\n This property is invalid unless the node is [bound](../pwobjecttracker).\n\n{{< /callout >}}", "flags": [ "readonly" ] }, "volumes": { "type": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml", "name": "list", "of": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml", "name": "real" } }, "details": "The volumes of each audio channel individually. Each entry corrosponds to\nthe volume of the channel at the same index in {{< qmltypelink type=\"\" module=\"\" name=\"\" mtype=\"prop\" mname=\"channels\" >}}. {{< qmltypelink type=\"\" module=\"\" name=\"\" mtype=\"prop\" mname=\"volumes\" >}} and {{< qmltypelink type=\"\" module=\"\" name=\"\" mtype=\"prop\" mname=\"channels\" >}}\nwill always be the same length.\n\n{{< callout type=\"warning\" >}}\n This property is invalid unless the node is [bound](../pwobjecttracker).\n\n{{< /callout >}}" }, "muted": { "type": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml", "name": "bool" }, "details": "If the node is currently muted. Setting this property changes the mute state.\n\n{{< callout type=\"warning\" >}}\n This property is invalid unless the node is [bound](../pwobjecttracker).\n\n{{< /callout >}}" }, "volume": { "type": { "type": "qt", "module": "qml", "name": "real" }, "details": "The average volume over all channels of the node.\nSetting this property modifies the volume of all channels proportionately.\n\n{{< callout type=\"warning\" >}}\n This property is invalid unless the node is [bound](../pwobjecttracker).\n\n{{< /callout >}}" } }, "functions": [], "signals": {}, "variants": {} }