+++ title = "Introduction" +++ This page will walk you through the process of creating a simple bar/panel, and introduce you to all the basic concepts involved. There are many links to the [QML Overview](../qml-overview) and [Type Reference](/docs/types) which you should follow if you don't fully understand the concepts involved. ## Shell Files Every quickshell instance starts from a shell root file, conventionally named `shell.qml`. The default path is `~/.config/quickshell/shell.qml`. (where `~/.config` can be substituted with `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` if present.) Each shell file starts with the shell root object. Only one may exist per configuration. ```qml {filename="~/.config/quickshell/shell.qml"} import Quickshell ShellRoot { // ... } ``` The shell root is not a visual element but instead contains all of the visual and non visual objects in your shell. You can have multiple different shells with shared components and different shell roots. {{% details title="Shell search paths and manifests" closed="true" %}} Quickshell can be launched with configurations in locations other than the default one. The `-p` or `--path` option will launch the shell root at the given path. It will also accept folders with a `shell.qml` file in them. It can also be specified via the `QS_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable. The `-c` or `--config` option will launch a configuration from the current manifest, or if no manifest is specified, a subfolder of quickshell's base path. It can also be specified via the `QS_CONFIG_NAME` environment variable. The base path defaults to `~/.config/quickshell`, but can be changed using the `QS_BASE_PATH` environment variable. The `-m` or `--manifest` option specifies the quickshell manifest to read configs from. When used with `-c`, the config will be chosen by name from the manifest. It can also be specified via the `QS_MANIFEST` environment variable. The manifest path defaults to `~/.config/quickshell/manifest.conf` and is a list of `name = path` pairs where path can be relative or absolute. Lines starting with `#` are comments. ```properties # ~/.config/quickshell/manifest.conf myconf1 = myconf myconf2 = ./myconf myconf3 = myconf/shell.nix myconf4 = ~/.config/quickshell/myconf ``` You can use `quickshell --current` to print the current values of any of these options and what set them. {{% /details %}} ## Creating Windows Quickshell has two main window types available, [PanelWindow](/docs/types/quickshell/panelwindow) for bars and widgets, and [FloatingWindow](/docs/types/quickshell/floatingwindow) for standard desktop windows. We'll start with an example: ```qml import Quickshell // for ShellRoot and PanelWindow import QtQuick // for Text ShellRoot { PanelWindow { anchors { top: true left: true right: true } height: 30 Text { // center the bar in its parent component (the window) anchors.centerIn: parent text: "hello world" } } } ``` The above example creates a bar/panel on your currently focused monitor with a centered piece of [text](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtquick-text.html). It will also reserve space for itself on your monitor. More information about available properties is available in the [type reference](/docs/types/quickshell/panelwindow). ## Running a process Now that we have a piece of text, what if it did something useful? To start with lets make a clock. To get the time we'll use the `date` command. We can use a [Process](/docs/types/quickshell.io/process) object to run commands and return their results. We'll listen to the [DataStreamParser.read](/docs/types/quickshell.io/datastreamparser/#signal.read) [signal](/docs/configuration/qml-overview/#signals) emitted by [SplitParser](/docs/types/quickshell.io/splitparser/) using a [signal handler](/docs/configuration/qml-overview/#signal-handlers) to update the text on the clock. {{< callout type="info" >}} Note: Quickshell live-reloads your code. You can leave it open and edit the original file. The panel will reload when you save it. {{< /callout >}} ```qml import Quickshell import Quickshell.Io // for Process import QtQuick ShellRoot { PanelWindow { anchors { top: true left: true right: true } height: 30 Text { // give the text an ID we can refer to elsewhere in the file id: clock anchors.centerIn: parent // create a process management object Process { // the command it will run, every argument is its own string command: ["date"] // run the command immediately running: true // process the stdout stream using a SplitParser // which returns chunks of output after a delimiter stdout: SplitParser { // listen for the read signal, which returns the data that was read // from stdout, then write that data to the clock's text property onRead: data => clock.text = data } } } } } ``` ## Running code at an interval With the above example, your bar should now display the time, but it isn't updating! Let's use a [Timer](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtqml-timer.html) fix that. ```qml import Quickshell import Quickshell.Io import QtQuick ShellRoot { PanelWindow { anchors { top: true left: true right: true } height: 30 Text { id: clock anchors.centerIn: parent Process { // give the process object an id so we can talk // about it from the timer id: dateProc command: ["date"] running: true stdout: SplitParser { onRead: data => clock.text = data } } // use a timer to rerun the process at an interval Timer { // 1000 milliseconds is 1 second interval: 1000 // start the timer immediately running: true // run the timer again when it ends repeat: true // when the timer is triggered, set the running property of the // process to true, which reruns it if stopped. onTriggered: dateProc.running = true } } } } ``` ## Reuseable components If you have multiple monitors you might have noticed that your bar is only on one of them. If not, you'll still want to **follow this section to make sure your bar dosen't disappear if your monitor disconnects**. We can use a [Variants](http://localhost:1313/docs/types/quickshell/variants/) object to create instances of *non widget items*. (See [Repeater](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtquick-repeater.html) for doing something similar with visual items.) The `Variants` type creates instances of a [Component](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtqml-component.html) based on a data model you supply. (A component is a re-usable tree of objects.) The most common use of `Variants` in a shell is to create instances of a window (your bar) based on your monitor list (the data model). Variants will inject the properties in the data model directly into the component, meaning we can easily set the screen property of our bar (See [Window.screen](/docs/types/quickshell/qswindow/#prop.screen).) ```qml import Quickshell import Quickshell.Io import QtQuick ShellRoot { Variants { variants: { // get the list of screens from the Quickshell singleton const screens = Quickshell.screens; // transform the screen list into a list of objects with // screen variables, which will be set for each created object const variants = screens.map(screen => { return { screen: screen }; }); return variants; } component: Component { PanelWindow { // the screen property will be injected into the window, // so each bar displays on the right monitor anchors { top: true left: true right: true } height: 30 Text { id: clock anchors.centerIn: parent Process { id: dateProc command: ["date"] running: true stdout: SplitParser { onRead: data => clock.text = data } } Timer { interval: 1000 running: true repeat: true onTriggered: dateProc.running = true } } } } } } ``` See also: [Property Bindings](/docs/configuration/qml-overview/#property-bindings), [Variants.component](/docs/types/quickshell/variants/#prop.component), [Quickshell.screens](/docs/types/quickshell/quickshell/#prop.screens), [Array.map](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/map) With this example, bars will be created and destroyed as you plug and unplug them, due to the reactive nature of the [Quickshell.screens](/docs/types/quickshell/quickshell/#prop.screens) property. (See: [Reactive Bindings](/docs/configuration/qml-overview/#reactive-bindings).) Now there's an important problem you might have noticed: when the window is created multiple times we also make a new Process and Timer. We can fix this by moving the Process and Timer outside of the window. {{< callout type="error" >}} This code will not work correctly. {{< /callout >}} ```qml import Quickshell import Quickshell.Io import QtQuick ShellRoot { Variants { variants: Quickshell.screens.map(screen => ({ screen })) component: Component { PanelWindow { anchors { top: true left: true right: true } height: 30 Text { id: clock anchors.centerIn: parent } } } } Process { id: dateProc command: ["date"] running: true stdout: SplitParser { onRead: data => clock.text = data } } Timer { interval: 1000 running: true repeat: true onTriggered: dateProc.running = true } } ``` However there is a problem with naively moving the Process and Timer out of the component. *What about the `clock` that the process references?* If you run the above example you'll see something like this in the console every second: ``` file:///home/name/.config/quickshell/shell.qml:33: ReferenceError: clock is not defined file:///home/name/.config/quickshell/shell.qml:33: ReferenceError: clock is not defined file:///home/name/.config/quickshell/shell.qml:33: ReferenceError: clock is not defined file:///home/name/.config/quickshell/shell.qml:33: ReferenceError: clock is not defined file:///home/name/.config/quickshell/shell.qml:33: ReferenceError: clock is not defined ``` This is because the `clock` object, even though it has an ID, cannot be referenced outside of its component. Remember, components can be created *any number of times*, including zero, so `clock` may not exist or there may be more than one, meaning there isn't an object to refer to from here. We can fix it with a [Property Definition](/docs/configuration/qml-overview/#property-definitions). We can define a property inside of the ShellRoot and reference it from the clock text instead. Due to QML's [Reactive Bindings](/docs/configuration/qml-overview/#reactive-bindings), the clock text will be updated when we update the property for every clock that currently exists. ```qml import Quickshell import Quickshell.Io import QtQuick ShellRoot { id: root // add a property in the root property string time; Variants { variants: Quickshell.screens.map(screen => ({ screen })) component: Component { PanelWindow { anchors { top: true left: true right: true } height: 30 Text { // remove the id as we don't need it anymore anchors.centerIn: parent // bind the text to the root's time property text: root.time } } } } Process { id: dateProc command: ["date"] running: true stdout: SplitParser { // update the property instead of the clock directly onRead: data => root.time = data } } Timer { interval: 1000 running: true repeat: true onTriggered: dateProc.running = true } } ``` Now we've fixed the problem so there's nothing actually wrong with the above code, but we can make it more concise: 1. `Component`s can be defined implicitly, meaning we can remove the component wrapping the window and place the window directly into the `component` property. 2. The [Variants.component](/docs/types/quickshell/variants/#prop.component) property is a [Default Property](/docs/configuration/qml-overview/#the-default-property), which means we can skip the `component: ` part of the assignment. We're already using [ShellRoot](/docs/types/quickshell/shellroot/)'s default property to store our Variants, Process, and Timer components among other things. 3. The ShellRoot dosen't actually need an `id` property to talk about the time property, as it is the outermost object in the file which has [special scoping rules](/docs/configuration/qml-overview/#property-access-scopes). This is what our shell looks like with the above (optional) cleanup: ```qml import Quickshell import Quickshell.Io import QtQuick ShellRoot { property string time; Variants { variants: Quickshell.screens.map(screen => ({ screen })) PanelWindow { anchors { top: true left: true right: true } height: 30 Text { anchors.centerIn: parent // now just time instead of root.time text: time } } } Process { id: dateProc command: ["date"] running: true stdout: SplitParser { // now just time instead of root.time onRead: data => time = data } } Timer { interval: 1000 running: true repeat: true onTriggered: dateProc.running = true } } ```