+++ title = "QML Overview" +++ Quickshell is configured using the Qt Modeling Language, or QML. This page explains what you need to know about QML to start using quickshell. See also: [Qt Documentation: QML Tutorial](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-tutorial.html) ## Structure Below is a QML document showing most of the syntax. Keep it in mind as you read the detailed descriptions below. Notes: - Semicolons are permitted basically everywhere, and recommended in functions and expressions. - While types can often be elided, we recommend you use them where possible to catch problems early instead of running into them unexpectedly later on. ```qml // QML Import statement import QtQuick 6.0 // Javascript import statement import "myjs.js" as MyJs // Root Object Item { // Id assignment id: root // Property declaration property int myProp: 5; // Property binding width: 100 // Property binding height: width // Multiline property binding prop: { // ... 5 } // Object assigned to a property objProp: Object { // ... } // Object assigned to the parent's default property AnotherObject { // ... } // Signal declaration signal foo(bar: int) // Signal handler onSignal: console.log("received signal!") // Property change signal handler onWidthChanged: console.log(`width is now ${width}!`) // Multiline signal handler onOtherSignal: { console.log("received other signal!"); console.log(`5 * 2 is ${dub(5)}`); // ... } // Attached property signal handler Component.onCompleted: MyJs.myfunction() // Function function dub(x: int): int { return x * 2 } } ``` ### Imports #### Explicit imports Every QML File begins with a list of imports. Import statements tell the QML engine where to look for types you can create [objects](#objects) from. A module import statement looks like this: ```qml import [Major.Minor] [as ] ``` - `Module` is the name of the module you want to import, such as `QtQuick`. - `Major.Minor` is the version of the module you want to import. - `Namespace` is an optional namespace to import types from the module under. A subfolder import statement looks like this: ```qml import "" [as ] ``` - `directory` is the directory to import, relative to the current file. - `Namespace` is an optional namespace to import types from the folder under. A javascript import statement looks like this: ```qml import "" as ``` - `filename` is the name of the javascript file to import. - `Namespace` is the namespace functions and variables from the javascript file will be made available under. Note: All *Module* and *Namespace* names must start with an uppercase letter. Attempting to use a lowercase namespace is an error. ##### Examples ```qml import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls 6.0 import Quickshell as QS import QtQuick.Layouts 6.0 as L import "jsfile.js" as JsFile ``` {{% details title="When to use versions" closed="true" %}} By default, when no module version is requested, the QML engine will pick the latest available version of the module. Requesting a specific version can help ensure you get a specific version of the module's types, and as a result your code dosen't break across Qt or quickshell updates. While Qt's types usually don't majorly change across versions, quickshell's are much more likely to break. To put off dealing with the breakage we suggest specifying a version at least when importing quickshell modules. {{% /details %}} [Qt Documentation: Import syntax](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtqml-syntax-imports.html) #### Implicit imports The QML engine will automatically import any [types](#creating-types) in neighboring files with names that start with an uppercase letter. ``` root |-MyButton.qml |-shell.qml ``` In this example, `MyButton` will automatically be imported as a type usable from shell.qml or any other neighboring files. ### Objects Objects are instances of a type from an imported module. The name of an object must start with an uppercase letter. This will always distinguish an object from a property. An object looks like this: ```qml Name { id: foo // properties, functions, signals, etc... } ``` Every object can contain [properties](#properties), [functions](#functions), and [signals](#signals). You can find out what properties are available for a type by looking it up in the [Type Reference](/docs/types/). #### Properties Every object may have any number of property assignments (only one per specific property). Each assignment binds the named property to the given expression. ##### Property bindings Expressions are snippets of javascript code assigned to a property. The last (or only) line can be the return value, or an explicit return statement (multiline expressions only) can be used. ```qml Item { // simple expression property: 5 // complex expression property: 5 * 20 + this.otherProperty // multiline expression property: { const foo = 5; const bar = 10; foo * bar } // multiline expression with return property: { // ... return 5; } } ``` Semicolons are optional and allowed on any line of a single or multiline expression, including the last line. All property bindings are [*reactive*](#reactive-bindings), which means when any property the expression depends on is updated, the expression is re-evaluated and the property is updated. See: [Reactive bindings](#reactive-bindings) Note that it is an error to try to assign to a property that does not exist. (See: [property definitions](#property-definitions)) ##### Property definitions Properties can be defined inside of objects with the following syntax: ```qml [required] [readonly] [default] property [: binding] ``` - `required` forces users of this type to assign this property. See [Creating Types](#creating-types) for details. - `readonly` makes the property not assignable. Its binding will still be [reactive](#reactive-bindings). - `default` makes the property the [default property](#the-default-property) of this type. - `type` is the type of the property. You can use `var` if you don't know or don't care but be aware that `var` will allow any value type. - `name` is the name that the property is known as. It cannot start with an uppercase letter. - `binding` is the property binding. See [Property bindings](#property-bindings) for details. ```qml Item { // normal property property int foo: 3 // readonly property readonly property string bar: "hi!" // bound property property var things: [ "foo", "bar" ] } ``` Defining a property with the same name as one provided by the current object will override the property of the type it is derived from in the current context. ##### The default property Types can have a *default property* which must accept either an object or a list of objects. The default property will allow you to assign a value to it without using the name of the property: ```qml Item { // normal property foo: 3 // this item is assigned to the outer object's default property Item { } } ``` If the default property is a list, you can put multiple objects into it the same way as you would put a single object in: ```qml Item { // normal property foo: 3 // this item is assigned to the outer object's default property Item { } // this one is too Item { } } ``` ##### The `id` property Every object has a special property called `id` that can be assigned to give the object a name it can be referred to throughout the current file. The id must be lowercase. ```qml ColumnLayout { Text { id: text text: "Hello World!" } Button { text: "Make the text red"; onClicked: text.color = "red"; } } ``` {{% details title="The `id` property compared to normal properties" closed="true" %}} The `id` property isn't really a property, and dosen't do anything other than expose the object to the current file. It is only called a property because it uses very similar syntax to one, and is the only exception to standard property definition rules. The name `id` is always reserved for the id property. {{% /details %}} ##### Property access scopes Properties are "in scope" and usable in two cases. 1. They are defined for current type. 2. They are defined for the root type in the current file. You can access the properties of any object by setting its [id property](#the-id-property), or make sure the property you are accessing is from the current object using `this`. The `parent` property is also defined for all objects, but may not always point to what it looks like it should. Use the `id` property if `parent` does not do what you want. ```qml Item { property string rootDefinition Item { id: mid property string midDefinition Text { property string innerDefinition // legal - innerDefinition is defined on the current object text: innerDefinition // legal - innerDefinition is accessed via `this` to refer to the current object text: this.innerDefinition // legal - width is defined for Text text: width // legal - rootDefinition is defined on the root object text: rootDefinition // illegal - midDefinition is not defined on the root or current object text: midDefinition // legal - midDefinition is accessed via `mid`'s id. text: mid.midDefinition // legal - midDefinition is accessed via `parent` text: parent.midDefinition } } } ``` [Qt Documentation: Scope and Naming Resolution](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtqml-documents-scope.html) #### Functions Functions in QML can be declared everywhere [properties](#properties) can, and follow the same [scoping rules](#property-access-scopes). Function definition syntax: ```qml function ([: ][, ...])[: returntype] { // multiline expression (note that `return` is required) } ``` Functions can be invoked in expressions. Expression reactivity carries through functions, meaning if one of the properties a function depends on is re-evaluated, every expression depending on the function is also re-evaluated. ```qml ColumnLayout { property int clicks: 0 function makeClicksLabel(): string { return "the button has been clicked " + clicks + " times!"; } Button { text: "click me" onClicked: clicks += 1 } Text { text: makeClicksLabel() } } ``` In this example, every time the button is clicked, the label's count increases by one, as `clicks` is changed, which triggers a re-evaluation of `text` through `makeClicksLabel`. ##### Lambdas Functions can also be values, and you can assign them to properties or pass them to other functions (callbacks). There is a shorter way to write these functions, known as lambdas. Lambda syntax: ```qml => // params can take the following forms: () => ... // 0 parameters => ... // 1 parameter ([, ...]) => ... // 1+ parameters // the expression can be either a single or multiline expression. ... => ... => { return ; } ``` Assigning functions to properties: ```qml Item { // using functions function dub(number: int): int { return number * 2; } property var operation: dub // using lambdas property var operation: number => number * 2 } ``` An overcomplicated click counter using a lambda callback: ```qml ColumnLayout { property int clicks: 0 function incrementAndCall(callback) { clicks += 1; callback(clicks); } Button { text: "click me" onClicked: incrementAndCall(clicks => { label.text = `the button was clicked ${clicks} time(s)!`; }) } Text { id: label text: "the button has not been clicked" } } ``` #### Signals A signal is basically an event emitter you can connect to and receive updates from. They can be declared everywhere [properties](#properties) and [functions](#functions) can, and follow the same [scoping rules](#property-access-scopes). [Qt Documentation: Signal and Handler Event System](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtqml-syntax-signals.html) ##### Signal definitions A signal can be explicitly defined with the following syntax: ```qml signal (: [, ...]) ``` ##### Making connections Signals all have a `connect()` method which invokes the given function or signal when the signal is emitted. ```qml ColumnLayout { property int clicks: 0 function updateText() { clicks += 1; label.text = `the button has been clicked ${clicks} times!`; } Button { id: button text: "click me" } Text { id: label text: "the button has not been clicked" } Component.onCompleted: { button.clicked.connect(updateText) } } ``` `Component.onCompleted` will be addressed later in [Attached Properties](#attached-properties) but for now just know that it runs immediately once the object is fully initialized. When the button is clicked, the button emits the `clicked` signal which we connected to `updateText`. The signal then invokes `updateText` which updates the counter and the text on the label. ##### Signal handlers Signal handlers are a more concise way to make a connections, and prior examples have used them. When creating an object, for every signal present on its type there is a corrosponding `on` property implicitly defined which can be set to a function. (Note that the first letter of the signal's name it capitalized.) Below is the same example as in [Making Connections](#making-connections), this time using the implicit signal handler property to handle `button.clicked`. ```qml ColumnLayout { property int clicks: 0 function updateText() { clicks += 1; label.text = `the button has been clicked ${clicks} times!`; } Button { text: "click me" onClicked: updateText() } Text { id: label text: "the button has not been clicked" } } ``` ##### Property change signals Every property has an associated signal, which powers QML's [reactive bindings](#reactive-bindings). The signal is named `Changed` and works exactly the same as any other signal. Whenever the property is re-evaluated, its change signal is emitted. This is used internally to update dependent properties, but can be directly used, usually with a signal handler. ```qml ColumnLayout { CheckBox { text: "check me" onCheckStateChanged: { label.text = labelText(checkState == Qt.Checked); } } Text { id: label text: labelText(false) } function labelText(checked): string { return `the checkbox is checked: ${checked}`; } } ``` In this example we listen for the `checkState` property of the CheckBox changing using its change signal, `checkStateChanged` with the signal handler `onCheckStateChanged`. Since text is also a property we can do the same thing more concisely: ```qml ColumnLayout { CheckBox { id: checkbox text: "check me" } Text { id: label text: labelText(checkbox.checkState == Qt.Checked) } function labelText(checked): string { return `the checkbox is checked: ${checked}`; } } ``` And the function can also be inlined to an expression: ```qml ColumnLayout { CheckBox { id: checkbox text: "check me" } Text { id: label text: { const checked = checkbox.checkState == Qt.Checked; return `the checkbox is checked: ${checked}`; } } } ``` You can also remove the return statement if you wish. ##### Attached objects Attached objects are additional objects that can be associated with an object as decided by internal library code. The documentation for a type will tell you if it can be used as an attached object and how. Attached objects are acccessed in the form `.` and can have properties, functions and signals. A good example is the [Component](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtqml-component.html) type, which is attached to every object and often used to run code when an object initializes. ```qml Text { Component.onCompleted: { text = "hello!" } } ``` In this example, the text property is set inside the `Component.onCompleted` attached signal handler. #### Creating types Every QML file with an uppercase name is implicitly a type, and can be used from neighboring files or imported (See [Imports](#imports).) A type definition is just a normal object. All properties defined for the root object are visible to the consumer of the type. Objects identified by [id properties](#the-id-property) are not visible outside the file. ```qml // MyText.qml Rectangle { required property string text color: "red" implicitWidth: textObj.implicitWidth implicitHeight: textObj.implicitHeight Text { id: textObj anchors.fill: parent text: parent.text } } // AnotherComponent.qml Item { MyText { // The `text` property of `MyText` is required, so we must set it. text: "Hello World!" // `anchors` is a property of `Item` which `Rectangle` subclasses, // so it is available on MyText. anchors.centerIn: parent // `color` is a property of `Rectangle`. Even though MyText sets it // to "red", we can override it here. color: "blue" // `textObj` is has an `id` within MyText.qml but is not a property // so we cannot access it. textObj.color: "red" // illegal } } ``` ##### Singletons QML Types can be easily made into a singleton, meaning there is only one instance of the type. To make a type a singleton, put `pragma Singleton` at the top of the file. To ensure it behaves correctly with quickshell you should also make [Singleton](/docs/types/quickshell/singleton) the root item of your type. ```qml pragma Singleton import ... Singleton { ... } ``` once a type is a singleton, its members can be accessed by name from neighboring files. ## Concepts ### Reactive bindings This section assumes knowledge of: [Properties](#properties), [Signals](#signals), and [Functions](#functions). See also the [Qt documentation](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtqml-syntax-propertybinding.html). Reactivity is when a property is updated based on updates to another property. Every time one of the properties in a binding change, the binding is re-evaluated and the bound property takes the new result. Any bindings that depend on that property are then re-evaluated and so forth. Bindings can be created in two different ways: ##### Automatic bindings A reactive binding occurs automatically when you use one or more properties in the definition of another property. . ```qml Item { property int clicks: 0 Button { text: `clicks: ${clicks}` onClicked: clicks += 1 } } ``` In this example, the button's `text` property is re-evaluated every time the button is clicked, because the `clicks` property has changed. ###### Avoiding creation To avoid creating a binding, do not use any other properties in the definition of a property. You can use the `Component.onCompleted` signal to set a value using a property without creating a binding, as assignments to properties do not create binding. ```qml Item { property string theProperty: "initial value" Text { // text: "Right now, theProperty is: " + theProperty Component.onCompleted: text = "At creation time, theProperty is: " + theProperty } } ``` ##### Manual bindings Sometimes (not often) you need to create a binding inside of a function, signal, or expression. If you need to change or attach a binding at runtime, the `Qt.binding` function can be used to create one. The `Qt.binding` function takes another function as an argument, and when assigned to a property, the property will use that function as its binding expression. ```qml Item { Text { id: boundText text: "not bound to anything" } Button { text: "bind the above text" onClicked: { if (boundText.text == "not bound to anything") { text = "press me"; boundText.text = Qt.binding(() => `button is pressed: ${this.pressed}`); } } } } ``` In this example, `boundText`'s `text` property is bound to the button's pressed state when the button is first clicked. When you press or unpress the button the text will be updated. ##### Removing bindings To remove a binding, just assign a new value to the property without using `Qt.binding`. ```qml Item { Text { id: boundText text: `button is pressed: ${theButton.pressed}` } Button { id: theButton text: "break the binding" onClicked: boundText.text = `button was pressed at the time the binding was broken: ${pressed}` } } ``` When the button is first pressed, the text will be updated, but once `onClicked` fires the text will be unbound, and even though it contains a reference to the `pressed` property, it will not be updated further by the binding. ### Lazy loading Often not all of your interface needs to load immediately. By default the QML engine initializes every object in the scene before showing anything onscreen. For parts of the interface you don't need to be immediately visible, load them asynchronously using a [LazyLoader](/docs/types/quickshell/lazyloader). See its documentation for more information. #### Components Another delayed loading mechanism is the [Component](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtqml-component.html) type. This type can be used to create multiple instances of objects or lazily load them. It's used by types such as [Repeater](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtquick-repeater.html) and [Quickshell.Variants](/docs/types/quickshell/variants) to create instances of a component at runtime.