use std::{collections::HashMap, path::Path}; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context}; mod outform; mod parse; mod resolver; mod typespec; fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let args = std::env::args().collect::>(); match args.get(1).map(|v| v as &str) { Some("gentypes") => { let modinfo = args.get(2).expect("expected module file"); let outpath = args.get(3).expect("expected output path"); let path = Path::new(modinfo); let dir = path.parent().unwrap(); let text = std::fs::read_to_string(path).expect("failed to read module file"); let module = parse::parse_module(&text)?; let texts = module .header .headers .iter() .map(|header| { let text = std::fs::read_to_string(dir.join(header)).with_context(|| { format!( "failed to read module header `{header}` at {:?}", dir.join(header) ) })?; Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>((header, text)) }) .collect::, _>>()?; let qml_texts = module .header .qml_files .iter() .map(|file| { let text = std::fs::read_to_string(dir.join(file)).with_context(|| { format!( "failed to read module qml file `{file}` at {:?}", dir.join(file) ) })?; Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>((file, text)) }) .collect::, _>>()?; let header_parser = parse::CppParser::new(); let qml_parser = parse::QmlParser::new(); let mut ctx = parse::ParseContext::new(&; texts .iter() .map(|(header, text)| { header_parser .parse(&text, &mut ctx) .with_context(|| format!("while parsing module header `{header}`")) }) .collect::>()?; qml_texts .iter() .map(|(file, text)| { qml_parser .parse(&file, &text, &mut ctx) .with_context(|| format!("while parsing module qml file `{file}`")) }) .collect::>()?; let typespec = ctx.gen_typespec(&; let text = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&typespec).unwrap(); std::fs::write(outpath, text).context("saving typespec")?; }, Some("gendocs") => { let modinfo = args.get(2).expect("expected module file"); let datapath = args.get(3).expect("expected datapath"); let templatepath = args.get(4).expect("expected templatepath"); let text = std::fs::read_to_string(modinfo).expect("failed to read module file"); let module = parse::parse_module(&text)?; let mut typespec = typespec::TypeSpec::default(); for path in &args[5..] { let text = std::fs::read_to_string(&path) .with_context(|| anyhow!("attempting to read {path}"))?; let ts = serde_json::from_str::(&text) .with_context(|| anyhow!("attempting to parse {path}"))?; typespec.typemap.extend(ts.typemap); typespec.classes.extend(ts.classes); typespec.gadgets.extend(ts.gadgets); typespec.enums.extend(ts.enums); } let types = resolver::resolve_types(&, typespec)?; let datapath = Path::new(datapath); let templatepath = Path::new(templatepath); std::fs::create_dir_all(datapath)?; std::fs::create_dir_all(templatepath)?; for (name, info) in types { let json = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&info).unwrap(); let datapath = datapath.join(format!("{name}.json")); std::fs::write(&datapath, json) .with_context(|| format!("while writing {datapath:?}"))?; let template = format!( "+++ title = \"{name}\" hidetitle = true +++ {{{{< qmltype module=\"{module}\" type=\"{name}\" >}}}} ", name = name, module = ); let templatepath = templatepath.join(format!("{name}.md")); std::fs::write(&templatepath, template) .with_context(|| format!("while writing {templatepath:?}"))?; } let index = outform::ModuleIndex { description: module.header.description, details: module.details.to_string(), }; let datapath = datapath.join("index.json"); let json = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&index).unwrap(); std::fs::write(&datapath, json) .with_context(|| format!("while writing {datapath:?}"))?; let template = format!( "+++ title = \"{name}\" hidetitle = true +++ {{{{< qmlmodule module=\"{name}\" >}}}} ", name = ); let templatepath = templatepath.join(format!("")); std::fs::write(&templatepath, template) .with_context(|| format!("while writing {templatepath:?}"))?; }, _ => { panic!("typegen invoked without mode"); }, } Ok(()) }