
2.4 KiB


Simple and flexbile QtQuick based desktop shell toolkit.

Hosted on: outfoxxed's gitea, github

Documentation available at quickshell.outfoxxed.me or can be built from the quickshell-docs repo.

Some fully working examples can be found in the quickshell-examples repo.



This repo has a nix flake you can use to install the package directly:

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";

    quickshell = {
      url = "git+https://git.outfoxxed.me/outfoxxed/quickshell";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

Quickshell's binary is available at quickshell.packages.<system>.default to be added to lists such as environment.systemPackages or home.packages.

The package contains several features detailed in BUILD.md which can be enabled or disabled with overrides:

quickshell.packages.<system>.default.override {
  withJemalloc = true;
  withQtSvg = true;
  withWayland = true;
  withX11 = true;
  withPipewire = true;
  withPam = true;
  withHyprland = true;

Note: by default this package is built with clang as it is significantly faster.

Arch (AUR)

Quickshell has a third party AUR package available under the same name. It is not managed by us and should be looked over before use.

Fedora (COPR)

Quickshell has a third party Fedora COPR package available under the same name. It is not managed by us and should be looked over before use.

Anything else

See BUILD.md for instructions on building and packaging quickshell.

Contributing / Development

See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.


Licensed under the GNU LGPL 3.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution submitted for inclusion shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.