import QtQuick import QtQuick.Layouts import Quickshell Scope { id: root property bool failed; property string errorString; // Connect to the Quickshell global to listen for the reload signals. Connections { target: Quickshell function onReloadCompleted() { root.failed = false; popupLoader.loading = true; } function onReloadFailed(error: string) { // Close any existing popup before making a new one. = false; root.failed = true; root.errorString = error; popupLoader.loading = true; } } // Keep the popup in a loader because it isn't needed most of the timeand will take up // memory that could be used for something else. LazyLoader { id: popupLoader PanelWindow { id: popup anchors { top: true left: true } margins { top: 25 left: 25 } width: rect.width height: rect.height // color blending is a bit odd as detailed in the type reference. color: "transparent" Rectangle { id: rect color: failed ? "#40802020" : "#40009020" implicitHeight: layout.implicitHeight + 50 implicitWidth: layout.implicitWidth + 30 // Fills the whole area of the rectangle, making any clicks go to it, // which dismiss the popup. MouseArea { id: mouseArea anchors.fill: parent onClicked: = false // makes the mouse area track mouse hovering, so the hide animation // can be paused when hovering. hoverEnabled: true } ColumnLayout { id: layout anchors { top: topMargin: 20 horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } Text { text: root.failed ? "Reload failed." : "Reloaded completed!" color: "white" } Text { text: root.errorString color: "white" // When visible is false, it also takes up no space. visible: root.errorString != "" } } // A progress bar on the bottom of the screen, showing how long until the // popup is removed. Rectangle { id: bar color: "#20ffffff" anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left height: 20 PropertyAnimation { id: anim target: bar property: "width" from: rect.width to: 0 duration: failed ? 10000 : 800 onFinished: = false // Pause the animation when the mouse is hovering over the popup, // so it stays onscreen while reading. This updates reactively // when the mouse moves on and off the popup. paused: mouseArea.containsMouse } } // We could set `running: true` inside the animation, but the width of the // rectangle might not be calculated yet, due to the layout. // In the `Component.onCompleted` event handler, all of the component's // properties and children have been initialized. Component.onCompleted: anim.start() } } } }