import QtQuick import QtQuick.Layouts import QtQuick.Controls.Fusion import Quickshell.Wayland Rectangle { id: root required property LockContext context readonly property ColorGroup colors: ? : palette.inactive color: colors.window Button { text: "Its not working, let me out" onClicked: context.unlocked(); } Label { id: clock property var date: new Date() anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter top: topMargin: 100 } // The native font renderer tends to look nicer at large sizes. renderType: Text.NativeRendering font.pointSize: 80 // updates the clock every second Timer { running: true repeat: true interval: 1000 onTriggered: = new Date(); } // updated when the date changes text: { const hours =, '0'); const minutes =, '0'); return `${hours}:${minutes}`; } } ColumnLayout { // Uncommenting this will make the password entry invisible except on the active monitor. // visible: anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter top: parent.verticalCenter } RowLayout { TextField { id: passwordBox implicitWidth: 400 padding: 10 focus: true enabled: !root.context.unlockInProgress echoMode: TextInput.Password inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhSensitiveData // Update the text in the context when the text in the box changes. onTextChanged: root.context.currentText = this.text; // Try to unlock when enter is pressed. onAccepted: root.context.tryUnlock(); // Update the text in the box to match the text in the context. // This makes sure multiple monitors have the same text. Connections { target: root.context function onCurrentTextChanged() { passwordBox.text = root.context.currentText; } } } Button { text: "Unlock" padding: 10 // don't steal focus from the text box focusPolicy: Qt.NoFocus enabled: !root.context.unlockInProgress && root.context.currentText !== ""; onClicked: root.context.tryUnlock(); } } Label { visible: root.context.showFailure text: "Incorrect password" } } }