# quickshell Simple and flexbile QtQuick based desktop shell toolkit. Hosts: [outfoxxed's gitea], [github] [outfoxxed's gitea]: https://git.outfoxxed.me/outfoxxed/quickshell [github]: https://github.com/outfoxxed/quickshell Documentation available at [quickshell.outfoxxed.me](https://quickshell.outfoxxed.me) or can be built from the [quickshell-docs](https://git.outfoxxed.me/outfoxxed/quickshell-docs) repo. Some fully working examples can be found in the [quickshell-examples](https://git.outfoxxed.me/outfoxxed/quickshell-examples) repo. Both the documentation and examples are included as submodules with revisions that work with the current version of quickshell. You can clone everything with ``` $ git clone --recursive https://git.outfoxxed.me/outfoxxed/quickshell.git ``` Or clone missing submodules later with ``` $ git submodule update --init --recursive ``` # Installation ## Nix This repo has a nix flake you can use to install the package directly: ```nix { inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; quickshell = { url = "git+https://git.outfoxxed.me/outfoxxed/quickshell"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; }; } ``` Quickshell's binary is available at `quickshell.packages..default` to be added to lists such as `environment.systemPackages` or `home.packages`. Note: by default this package is built with clang as it is significantly faster. ## Manual If not using nix, you'll have to build from source. ### Dependencies To build quickshell at all, you will need the following packages (names may vary by distro) - just - cmake - pkg-config - ninja - Qt6 [ QtBase, QtDeclarative ] To build with wayland support you will additionally need: - wayland - wayland-scanner (may be part of wayland on some distros) - wayland-protocols - Qt6 [ QtWayland ] ### Building To make a release build of quickshell run: ```sh $ just release ``` If you have all the dependencies installed and they are in expected locations this will build correctly. To install to /usr/local/bin run as root (usually `sudo`) in the same folder: ``` $ just install ``` ### Building (Nix) You can build directly using the provided nix flake or nix package. ``` nix build nix build -f package.nix # calls default.nix with a basic callPackage expression ``` # Development For nix there is a devshell available from `shell.nix` and as a devShell output from the flake. The Justfile contains various useful aliases: - `just configure [ [extra cmake args]]` - `just build` (runs configure for debug mode) - `just run [args]` - `just clean` - `just test [args]` (configure with `-DBUILD_TESTING=ON` first) - `just fmt` - `just lint` #### License Licensed under the GNU LGPL 3.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution submitted for inclusion shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.