dbus/dbusmenu: add DBusMenu support

This commit is contained in:
outfoxxed 2024-04-29 23:57:26 -07:00
parent 7cc1b54587
commit 61061644a5
Signed by: outfoxxed
GPG key ID: 4C88A185FB89301E
13 changed files with 984 additions and 11 deletions

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qqmlengine.h>
static QMap<QString, QsImageHandle*> liveImages;
static QMap<QString, QsImageHandle*> liveImages; // NOLINT
QsImageHandle::QsImageHandle(QQmlImageProviderBase::ImageType type, QObject* parent)
: QObject(parent)

View file

@ -18,4 +18,5 @@ target_include_directories(quickshell-dbus PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
target_link_libraries(quickshell-dbus PRIVATE ${QT_DEPS})

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
set_source_files_properties(com.canonical.dbusmenu.xml PROPERTIES
CLASSNAME DBusMenuInterface
qt_add_library(quickshell-dbusmenu STATIC
qt_add_qml_module(quickshell-dbusmenu URI Quickshell.DBusMenu VERSION 0.1)
# dbus headers
target_include_directories(quickshell-dbusmenu PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
target_link_libraries(quickshell-dbusmenu PRIVATE ${QT_DEPS})

View file

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
<interface name="com.canonical.dbusmenu">
<property name="Version" type="u" access="read"/>
<property name="TextDirection" type="s" access="read"/>
<property name="Status" type="s" access="read"/>
<property name="IconThemePath" type="as" access="read"/>
<method name="GetLayout">
<arg type="i" name="parentId" direction="in"/>
<arg type="i" name="recursionDepth" direction="in"/>
<arg type="as" name="propertyNames" direction="in"/>
<arg type="u" name="revision" direction="out"/>
<arg type="(ia{sv}av)" name="layout" direction="out"/>
<annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out1" value="DBusMenuLayout"/>
<method name="GetGroupProperties">
<arg type="ai" name="ids" direction="in"/>
<arg type="as" name="propertyNames" direction="in"/>
<arg type="a(ia{sv})" name="properties" direction="out"/>
<annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In0" value="DBusMenuIdList"/>
<annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out0" value="DBusMenuItemPropertiesList"/>
<method name="GetProperty">
<arg type="i" name="id" direction="in"/>
<arg type="s" name="name" direction="in"/>
<arg type="v" name="value" direction="out"/>
<method name="Event">
<arg type="i" name="id" direction="in"/>
<arg type="s" name="eventId" direction="in"/>
<arg type="v" name="data" direction="in"/>
<arg type="u" name="timestamp" direction="in"/>
<!--<method name="EventGroup">
<arg type="a(isvu)" name="events" direction="in"/>
<arg type="ai" name="idErrors" direction="out"/>
<annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In0" value="DBusMenuEventList"/>
<annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out0" value="DBusMenuIdList"/>
<method name="AboutToShow">
<arg type="i" name="id" direction="in"/>
<arg type="b" name="needUpdate" direction="out"/>
<method name="AboutToShowGroup">
<arg type="ai" name="ids" direction="in"/>
<arg type="ai" name="updatesNeeded" direction="out"/>
<arg type="ai" name="idErrors" direction="out"/>
<annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In0" value="DBusMenuIdList"/>
<annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out0" value="DBusMenuIdList"/>
<annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out1" value="DBusMenuIdList"/>
<signal name="ItemsPropertiesUpdated">
<arg type="a(ia{sv})" name="updatedProps" direction="out"/>
<arg type="a(ias)" name="removedProps" direction="out"/>
<annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out0" value="DBusMenuItemPropertiesList"/>
<annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out1" value="DBusMenuItemPropertyNamesList"/>
<signal name="LayoutUpdated">
<arg type="u" name="revision" direction="out"/>
<arg type="i" name="parent" direction="out"/>
<signal name="ItemActivationRequested">
<arg type="i" name="id" direction="out"/>
<arg type="u" name="timestamp" direction="out"/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
#include "dbus_menu_types.hpp"
#include <qdbusargument.h>
#include <qdbusextratypes.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qmetatype.h>
#include <qvariant.h>
const QDBusArgument& operator>>(const QDBusArgument& argument, DBusMenuLayout& layout) {
argument >> layout.id;
argument >> layout.properties;
while (!argument.atEnd()) {
auto childArgument = qdbus_cast<QDBusVariant>(argument).variant().value<QDBusArgument>();
auto child = qdbus_cast<DBusMenuLayout>(childArgument);
return argument;
const QDBusArgument& operator<<(QDBusArgument& argument, const DBusMenuLayout& layout) {
argument << layout.id;
argument << layout.properties;
for (const auto& child: layout.children) {
argument << QDBusVariant(QVariant::fromValue(child));
return argument;
const QDBusArgument& operator>>(const QDBusArgument& argument, DBusMenuItemProperties& item) {
argument >> item.id;
argument >> item.properties;
return argument;
const QDBusArgument& operator<<(QDBusArgument& argument, const DBusMenuItemProperties& item) {
argument << item.id;
argument << item.properties;
return argument;
const QDBusArgument& operator>>(const QDBusArgument& argument, DBusMenuItemPropertyNames& names) {
argument >> names.id;
argument >> names.properties;
return argument;
const QDBusArgument& operator<<(QDBusArgument& argument, const DBusMenuItemPropertyNames& names) {
argument << names.id;
argument << names.properties;
return argument;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const DBusMenuLayout& layout) {
debug.nospace() << "DBusMenuLayout(id=" << layout.id << ", properties=" << layout.properties
<< ", children=" << layout.children << ")";
return debug;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const DBusMenuItemProperties& item) {
debug.nospace() << "DBusMenuItemProperties(id=" << item.id << ", properties=" << item.properties
<< ")";
return debug;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const DBusMenuItemPropertyNames& names) {
debug.nospace() << "DBusMenuItemPropertyNames(id=" << names.id
<< ", properties=" << names.properties << ")";
return debug;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#pragma once
#include <qcontainerfwd.h>
#include <qdbusargument.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qtypes.h>
struct DBusMenuLayout {
qint32 id = 0;
QVariantMap properties;
QList<DBusMenuLayout> children;
using DBusMenuIdList = QList<qint32>;
struct DBusMenuItemProperties {
qint32 id = 0;
QVariantMap properties;
using DBusMenuItemPropertiesList = QList<DBusMenuItemProperties>;
struct DBusMenuItemPropertyNames {
qint32 id = 0;
QStringList properties;
using DBusMenuItemPropertyNamesList = QList<DBusMenuItemPropertyNames>;
const QDBusArgument& operator>>(const QDBusArgument& argument, DBusMenuLayout& layout);
const QDBusArgument& operator<<(QDBusArgument& argument, const DBusMenuLayout& layout);
const QDBusArgument& operator>>(const QDBusArgument& argument, DBusMenuItemProperties& item);
const QDBusArgument& operator<<(QDBusArgument& argument, const DBusMenuItemProperties& item);
const QDBusArgument& operator>>(const QDBusArgument& argument, DBusMenuItemPropertyNames& names);
const QDBusArgument& operator<<(QDBusArgument& argument, const DBusMenuItemPropertyNames& names);
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const DBusMenuLayout& layout);
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const DBusMenuItemProperties& item);
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const DBusMenuItemPropertyNames& names);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
#include "dbusmenu.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <qbytearray.h>
#include <qcontainerfwd.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qdbusconnection.h>
#include <qdbusextratypes.h>
#include <qdbusmetatype.h>
#include <qdbuspendingcall.h>
#include <qdbuspendingreply.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qlogging.h>
#include <qloggingcategory.h>
#include <qnamespace.h>
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qqmllist.h>
#include <qtmetamacros.h>
#include <qtypes.h>
#include <qvariant.h>
#include "../../core/iconimageprovider.hpp"
#include "../../dbus/properties.hpp"
#include "dbus_menu.h"
#include "dbus_menu_types.hpp"
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(logDbusMenu, "quickshell.dbus.dbusmenu", QtWarningMsg);
namespace qs::dbus::dbusmenu {
DBusMenuItem::DBusMenuItem(qint32 id, DBusMenu* menu, DBusMenuItem* parentMenu)
: QObject(menu)
, id(id)
, menu(menu)
, parentMenu(parentMenu) {
void DBusMenuItem::click() {
if (this->displayChildren) {
} else {
this->menu->sendEvent(this->id, "clicked");
void DBusMenuItem::hover() const { this->menu->sendEvent(this->id, "hovered"); }
DBusMenu* DBusMenuItem::menuHandle() const { return this->menu; }
QString DBusMenuItem::label() const { return this->mLabel; }
QString DBusMenuItem::cleanLabel() const { return this->mCleanLabel; }
bool DBusMenuItem::enabled() const { return this->mEnabled; }
QString DBusMenuItem::icon() const {
if (!this->iconName.isEmpty()) {
return IconImageProvider::requestString(
} else if (this->image != nullptr) {
return this->image->url();
} else return nullptr;
ToggleButtonType::Enum DBusMenuItem::toggleType() const { return this->mToggleType; };
Qt::CheckState DBusMenuItem::checkState() const { return this->mCheckState; }
bool DBusMenuItem::isSeparator() const { return this->mSeparator; }
bool DBusMenuItem::isShowingChildren() const { return this->mShowChildren && this->childrenLoaded; }
void DBusMenuItem::setShowChildren(bool showChildren) {
if (showChildren == this->mShowChildren) return;
this->mShowChildren = showChildren;
this->childrenLoaded = false;
if (showChildren) {
this->menu->prepareToShow(this->id, true);
} else {
this->menu->sendEvent(this->id, "closed");
emit this->showingChildrenChanged();
if (!this->mChildren.isEmpty()) {
for (auto child: this->mChildren) {
bool DBusMenuItem::hasChildren() const { return this->displayChildren; }
QQmlListProperty<DBusMenuItem> DBusMenuItem::children() {
return QQmlListProperty<DBusMenuItem>(
qsizetype DBusMenuItem::childrenCount(QQmlListProperty<DBusMenuItem>* property) {
return reinterpret_cast<DBusMenuItem*>(property->object)->enabledChildren.count(); // NOLINT
DBusMenuItem* DBusMenuItem::childAt(QQmlListProperty<DBusMenuItem>* property, qsizetype index) {
auto* item = reinterpret_cast<DBusMenuItem*>(property->object); // NOLINT
return item->menu->items.value(item->enabledChildren.at(index));
void DBusMenuItem::updateProperties(const QVariantMap& properties, const QStringList& removed) {
// Some programs appear to think sending an empty map does not mean "reset everything"
// and instead means "do nothing". oh well...
if (properties.isEmpty() && removed.isEmpty()) {
qCDebug(logDbusMenu) << "Ignoring empty property update for" << this;
auto originalLabel = this->mLabel;
//auto originalMnemonic = this->mnemonic;
auto originalEnabled = this->mEnabled;
auto originalVisible = this->visible;
auto originalIconName = this->iconName;
auto* originalImage = this->image;
auto originalIsSeparator = this->mSeparator;
auto originalToggleType = this->mToggleType;
auto originalToggleState = this->mCheckState;
auto originalDisplayChildren = this->displayChildren;
auto label = properties.value("label");
if (label.canConvert<QString>()) {
auto text = label.value<QString>();
this->mLabel = text;
this->mCleanLabel = text;
//this->mnemonic = QChar();
for (auto i = 0; i < this->mLabel.length() - 1;) {
if (this->mLabel.at(i) == '_') {
//if (this->mnemonic == QChar()) this->mnemonic = this->mLabel.at(i + 1);
this->mLabel.remove(i, 1);
this->mLabel.insert(i + 1, "</u>");
this->mLabel.insert(i, "<u>");
i += 8;
} else {
for (auto i = 0; i < this->mCleanLabel.length() - 1; i++) {
if (this->mCleanLabel.at(i) == '_') {
this->mCleanLabel.remove(i, 1);
} else if (removed.isEmpty() || removed.contains("label")) {
this->mLabel = "";
//this->mnemonic = QChar();
auto enabled = properties.value("enabled");
if (enabled.canConvert<bool>()) {
this->mEnabled = enabled.value<bool>();
} else if (removed.isEmpty() || removed.contains("enabled")) {
this->mEnabled = true;
auto visible = properties.value("visible");
if (visible.canConvert<bool>()) {
this->visible = visible.value<bool>();
} else if (removed.isEmpty() || removed.contains("visible")) {
this->visible = true;
auto iconName = properties.value("icon-name");
if (iconName.canConvert<QString>()) {
this->iconName = iconName.value<QString>();
} else if (removed.isEmpty() || removed.contains("icon-name")) {
this->iconName = "";
auto iconData = properties.value("icon-data");
if (iconData.canConvert<QByteArray>()) {
auto data = iconData.value<QByteArray>();
if (data.isEmpty()) {
this->image = nullptr;
} else if (this->image == nullptr || this->image->data != data) {
this->image = new DBusMenuPngImage(data, this);
} else if (removed.isEmpty() || removed.contains("icon-data")) {
this->image = nullptr;
auto type = properties.value("type");
if (type.canConvert<QString>()) {
this->mSeparator = type.value<QString>() == "separator";
} else if (removed.isEmpty() || removed.contains("type")) {
this->mSeparator = false;
auto toggleType = properties.value("toggle-type");
if (toggleType.canConvert<QString>()) {
auto toggleTypeStr = toggleType.value<QString>();
if (toggleTypeStr == "") this->mToggleType = ToggleButtonType::None;
else if (toggleTypeStr == "checkmark") this->mToggleType = ToggleButtonType::CheckBox;
else if (toggleTypeStr == "radio") this->mToggleType = ToggleButtonType::RadioButton;
else {
qCWarning(logDbusMenu) << "Unrecognized toggle type" << toggleTypeStr << "for" << this;
this->mToggleType = ToggleButtonType::None;
} else if (removed.isEmpty() || removed.contains("toggle-type")) {
this->mToggleType = ToggleButtonType::None;
auto toggleState = properties.value("toggle-state");
if (toggleState.canConvert<qint32>()) {
auto toggleStateInt = toggleState.value<qint32>();
if (toggleStateInt == 0) this->mCheckState = Qt::Unchecked;
else if (toggleStateInt == 1) this->mCheckState = Qt::Checked;
else this->mCheckState = Qt::PartiallyChecked;
} else if (removed.isEmpty() || removed.contains("toggle-state")) {
this->mCheckState = Qt::PartiallyChecked;
auto childrenDisplay = properties.value("children-display");
if (childrenDisplay.canConvert<QString>()) {
auto childrenDisplayStr = childrenDisplay.value<QString>();
if (childrenDisplayStr == "") this->displayChildren = false;
else if (childrenDisplayStr == "submenu") this->displayChildren = true;
else {
qCWarning(logDbusMenu) << "Unrecognized children-display mode" << childrenDisplayStr << "for"
<< this;
this->displayChildren = false;
} else if (removed.isEmpty() || removed.contains("children-display")) {
this->displayChildren = false;
if (this->mLabel != originalLabel) emit this->labelChanged();
//if (this->mnemonic != originalMnemonic) emit this->labelChanged();
if (this->mEnabled != originalEnabled) emit this->enabledChanged();
if (this->visible != originalVisible && this->parentMenu != nullptr)
if (this->mToggleType != originalToggleType) emit this->toggleTypeChanged();
if (this->mCheckState != originalToggleState) emit this->checkStateChanged();
if (this->mSeparator != originalIsSeparator) emit this->separatorChanged();
if (this->displayChildren != originalDisplayChildren) emit this->hasChildrenChanged();
if (this->iconName != originalIconName || this->image != originalImage) {
if (this->image != originalImage) {
delete originalImage;
emit this->iconChanged();
qCDebug(logDbusMenu).nospace() << "Updated properties of " << this << " { label=" << this->mLabel
<< ", enabled=" << this->mEnabled << ", visible=" << this->visible
<< ", iconName=" << this->iconName << ", iconData=" << this->image
<< ", separator=" << this->mSeparator
<< ", toggleType=" << this->mToggleType
<< ", toggleState=" << this->mCheckState
<< ", displayChildren=" << this->displayChildren << " }";
void DBusMenuItem::onChildrenUpdated() {
for (auto child: this->mChildren) {
auto* item = this->menu->items.value(child);
if (item->visible) this->enabledChildren.push_back(child);
emit this->childrenChanged();
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, DBusMenuItem* item) {
if (item == nullptr) {
debug << "DBusMenuItem(nullptr)";
return debug;
auto saver = QDebugStateSaver(debug);
debug.nospace() << "DBusMenuItem(" << static_cast<void*>(item) << ", id=" << item->id
<< ", label=" << item->mLabel << ", menu=" << item->menu << ")";
return debug;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const ToggleButtonType::Enum& toggleType) {
auto saver = QDebugStateSaver(debug);
debug.nospace() << "ToggleType::";
switch (toggleType) {
case ToggleButtonType::None: debug << "None"; break;
case ToggleButtonType::CheckBox: debug << "Checkbox"; break;
case ToggleButtonType::RadioButton: debug << "Radiobutton"; break;
return debug;
DBusMenu::DBusMenu(const QString& service, const QString& path, QObject* parent): QObject(parent) {
this->interface = new DBusMenuInterface(service, path, QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this);
if (!this->interface->isValid()) {
qCWarning(logDbusMenu).noquote() << "Cannot create DBusMenu for" << service << "at" << path;
void DBusMenu::prepareToShow(qint32 item, bool sendOpened) {
auto pending = this->interface->AboutToShow(item);
auto* call = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(pending, this);
auto responseCallback = [this, item, sendOpened](QDBusPendingCallWatcher* call) {
const QDBusPendingReply<bool> reply = *call;
if (reply.isError()) {
qCWarning(logDbusMenu) << "Error in AboutToShow, but showing anyway for menu" << item << "of"
<< this << reply.error();
this->updateLayout(item, 1);
if (sendOpened) this->sendEvent(item, "opened");
delete call;
QObject::connect(call, &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished, this, responseCallback);
void DBusMenu::updateLayout(qint32 parent, qint32 depth) {
auto pending = this->interface->GetLayout(parent, depth, QStringList());
auto* call = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(pending, this);
auto responseCallback = [this, parent, depth](QDBusPendingCallWatcher* call) {
const QDBusPendingReply<uint, DBusMenuLayout> reply = *call;
if (reply.isError()) {
qCWarning(logDbusMenu) << "Error updating layout for menu" << parent << "of" << this
<< reply.error();
} else {
auto layout = reply.argumentAt<1>();
this->updateLayoutRecursive(layout, this->items.value(parent), depth);
delete call;
QObject::connect(call, &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished, this, responseCallback);
void DBusMenu::updateLayoutRecursive(
const DBusMenuLayout& layout,
DBusMenuItem* parent,
qint32 depth
) {
auto* item = this->items.value(layout.id);
if (item == nullptr) {
// there is an actual nullptr in the map and not no entry
if (this->items.contains(layout.id)) {
item = new DBusMenuItem(layout.id, this, parent);
this->items.insert(layout.id, item);
if (item == nullptr) return;
qCDebug(logDbusMenu) << "Updating layout recursively for" << this << "menu" << layout.id;
if (depth != 0) {
auto childrenChanged = false;
auto iter = item->mChildren.begin();
while (iter != item->mChildren.end()) {
auto existing = std::find_if(
[&](const DBusMenuLayout& layout) { return layout.id == *iter; }
if (existing == layout.children.end()) {
qCDebug(logDbusMenu) << "Removing missing layout item" << this->items.value(*iter) << "from"
<< item;
iter = item->mChildren.erase(iter);
childrenChanged = true;
} else {
for (const auto& child: layout.children) {
if (item->mShowChildren && !item->mChildren.contains(child.id)) {
qCDebug(logDbusMenu) << "Creating new layout item" << child.id << "in" << item;
this->items.insert(child.id, nullptr);
childrenChanged = true;
this->updateLayoutRecursive(child, item, depth - 1);
if (childrenChanged) item->onChildrenUpdated();
if (item->mShowChildren && !item->childrenLoaded) {
item->childrenLoaded = true;
emit item->showingChildrenChanged();
void DBusMenu::removeRecursive(qint32 id) {
auto* item = this->items.value(id);
if (item != nullptr) {
for (auto child: item->mChildren) {
if (item != nullptr) {
void DBusMenu::sendEvent(qint32 item, const QString& event) {
qCDebug(logDbusMenu) << "Sending event" << event << "to menu" << item << "of" << this;
auto pending =
this->interface->Event(item, event, QDBusVariant(0), QDateTime::currentSecsSinceEpoch());
auto* call = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(pending, this);
auto responseCallback = [this, item, event](QDBusPendingCallWatcher* call) {
const QDBusPendingReply<> reply = *call;
if (reply.isError()) {
qCWarning(logDbusMenu) << "Error sending event" << event << "to" << item << "of" << this
<< reply.error();
delete call;
QObject::connect(call, &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished, this, responseCallback);
DBusMenuItem* DBusMenu::menu() { return &this->rootItem; }
void DBusMenu::onLayoutUpdated(quint32 /*unused*/, qint32 parent) {
// note: spec says this is recursive
this->updateLayout(parent, -1);
void DBusMenu::onItemPropertiesUpdated( // NOLINT
const DBusMenuItemPropertiesList& updatedProps,
const DBusMenuItemPropertyNamesList& removedProps
) {
for (const auto& propset: updatedProps) {
auto* item = this->items.value(propset.id);
if (item != nullptr) {
for (const auto& propset: removedProps) {
auto* item = this->items.value(propset.id);
if (item != nullptr) {
item->updateProperties({}, propset.properties);
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, DBusMenu* menu) {
if (menu == nullptr) {
debug << "DBusMenu(nullptr)";
return debug;
auto saver = QDebugStateSaver(debug);
debug.nospace() << "DBusMenu(" << static_cast<void*>(menu) << ", " << menu->properties.toString()
<< ")";
return debug;
DBusMenuPngImage::requestImage(const QString& /*unused*/, QSize* size, const QSize& /*unused*/) {
auto image = QImage();
if (!image.loadFromData(this->data, "PNG")) {
qCWarning(logDbusMenu) << "Failed to load dbusmenu item png";
if (size != nullptr) *size = image.size();
return image;
} // namespace qs::dbus::dbusmenu

View file

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
#pragma once
#include <qbytearray.h>
#include <qcontainerfwd.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qhash.h>
#include <qloggingcategory.h>
#include <qnamespace.h>
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qqmlintegration.h>
#include <qqmllist.h>
#include <qquickimageprovider.h>
#include <qtmetamacros.h>
#include <qtypes.h>
#include "../../core/imageprovider.hpp"
#include "../properties.hpp"
#include "dbus_menu_types.hpp"
namespace ToggleButtonType { // NOLINT
enum Enum {
None = 0,
CheckBox = 1,
RadioButton = 2,
} // namespace ToggleButtonType
class DBusMenuInterface;
namespace qs::dbus::dbusmenu {
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const ToggleButtonType::Enum& toggleType);
class DBusMenu;
class DBusMenuPngImage;
class DBusMenuItem: public QObject {
// clang-format off
Q_PROPERTY(DBusMenu* menuHandle READ menuHandle CONSTANT);
Q_PROPERTY(QString label READ label NOTIFY labelChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(QString cleanLabel READ cleanLabel NOTIFY labelChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(bool enabled READ enabled NOTIFY enabledChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(QString icon READ icon NOTIFY iconChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(ToggleButtonType::Enum toggleType READ toggleType NOTIFY toggleTypeChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(Qt::CheckState checkState READ checkState NOTIFY checkStateChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(bool isSeparator READ isSeparator NOTIFY separatorChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(bool hasChildren READ hasChildren NOTIFY hasChildrenChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(bool showChildren READ isShowingChildren WRITE setShowChildren NOTIFY showingChildrenChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<DBusMenuItem> children READ children NOTIFY childrenChanged);
// clang-format on
QML_UNCREATABLE("DBusMenus can only be acquired from a DBusMenuHandle");
explicit DBusMenuItem(qint32 id, DBusMenu* menu, DBusMenuItem* parentMenu);
Q_INVOKABLE void click();
Q_INVOKABLE void hover() const;
[[nodiscard]] DBusMenu* menuHandle() const;
[[nodiscard]] QString label() const;
[[nodiscard]] QString cleanLabel() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool enabled() const;
[[nodiscard]] QString icon() const;
[[nodiscard]] ToggleButtonType::Enum toggleType() const;
[[nodiscard]] Qt::CheckState checkState() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool isSeparator() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool hasChildren() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool isShowingChildren() const;
void setShowChildren(bool showChildren);
[[nodiscard]] QQmlListProperty<DBusMenuItem> children();
void updateProperties(const QVariantMap& properties, const QStringList& removed = {});
void onChildrenUpdated();
qint32 id = 0;
QString mLabel;
QVector<qint32> mChildren;
bool mShowChildren = false;
bool childrenLoaded = false;
DBusMenu* menu = nullptr;
void labelChanged();
//void mnemonicChanged();
void enabledChanged();
void iconChanged();
void separatorChanged();
void toggleTypeChanged();
void checkStateChanged();
void hasChildrenChanged();
void showingChildrenChanged();
void childrenChanged();
QString mCleanLabel;
//QChar mnemonic;
bool mEnabled = true;
bool visible = true;
bool mSeparator = false;
QString iconName;
DBusMenuPngImage* image = nullptr;
ToggleButtonType::Enum mToggleType = ToggleButtonType::None;
Qt::CheckState mCheckState = Qt::Checked;
bool displayChildren = false;
QVector<qint32> enabledChildren;
DBusMenuItem* parentMenu = nullptr;
static qsizetype childrenCount(QQmlListProperty<DBusMenuItem>* property);
static DBusMenuItem* childAt(QQmlListProperty<DBusMenuItem>* property, qsizetype index);
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, DBusMenuItem* item);
class DBusMenu: public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(DBusMenuItem* menu READ menu CONSTANT);
QML_UNCREATABLE("Menu handles cannot be directly created");
explicit DBusMenu(const QString& service, const QString& path, QObject* parent = nullptr);
dbus::DBusPropertyGroup properties;
dbus::DBusProperty<quint32> version {this->properties, "Version"};
dbus::DBusProperty<QString> textDirection {this->properties, "TextDirection"};
dbus::DBusProperty<QString> status {this->properties, "Status"};
dbus::DBusProperty<QStringList> iconThemePath {this->properties, "IconThemePath"};
void prepareToShow(qint32 item, bool sendOpened);
void updateLayout(qint32 parent, qint32 depth);
void removeRecursive(qint32 id);
void sendEvent(qint32 item, const QString& event);
DBusMenuItem rootItem {0, this, nullptr};
QHash<qint32, DBusMenuItem*> items {std::make_pair(0, &this->rootItem)};
[[nodiscard]] DBusMenuItem* menu();
private slots:
void onLayoutUpdated(quint32 revision, qint32 parent);
void onItemPropertiesUpdated(
const DBusMenuItemPropertiesList& updatedProps,
const DBusMenuItemPropertyNamesList& removedProps
void updateLayoutRecursive(const DBusMenuLayout& layout, DBusMenuItem* parent, qint32 depth);
DBusMenuInterface* interface = nullptr;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, DBusMenu* menu);
class DBusMenuPngImage: public QsImageHandle {
explicit DBusMenuPngImage(QByteArray data, DBusMenuItem* parent)
: QsImageHandle(QQuickImageProvider::Image, parent)
, data(std::move(data)) {}
QImage requestImage(const QString& id, QSize* size, const QSize& requestedSize) override;
QByteArray data;
} // namespace qs::dbus::dbusmenu

View file

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ qt_add_qml_module(quickshell-service-statusnotifier
target_link_libraries(quickshell-service-statusnotifier PRIVATE ${QT_DEPS} quickshell-dbus)
target_link_libraries(quickshell-service-statusnotifier PRIVATE ${QT_DEPS} quickshell-dbus quickshell-dbusmenuplugin)
target_link_libraries(quickshell PRIVATE quickshell-service-statusnotifierplugin)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "item.hpp"
#include <utility>
#include <qdbusextratypes.h>
#include <qdbusmetatype.h>
#include <qdbuspendingcall.h>
#include <qdbuspendingreply.h>
@ -20,12 +21,14 @@
#include "../../core/iconimageprovider.hpp"
#include "../../core/imageprovider.hpp"
#include "../../dbus/dbusmenu/dbusmenu.hpp"
#include "../../dbus/properties.hpp"
#include "dbus_item.h"
#include "dbus_item_types.hpp"
#include "host.hpp"
using namespace qs::dbus;
using namespace qs::dbus::dbusmenu;
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(logStatusNotifierItem, "quickshell.service.sni.item", QtWarningMsg);
@ -34,6 +37,10 @@ namespace qs::service::sni {
StatusNotifierItem::StatusNotifierItem(const QString& address, QObject* parent)
: QObject(parent)
, watcherId(address) {
// spec is unclear about what exactly an item address is, so account for both combinations
auto splitIdx = address.indexOf('/');
auto conn = splitIdx == -1 ? address : address.sliced(0, splitIdx);
@ -46,10 +53,6 @@ StatusNotifierItem::StatusNotifierItem(const QString& address, QObject* parent)
// clang-format off
QObject::connect(this->item, &DBusStatusNotifierItem::NewTitle, &this->title, &AbstractDBusProperty::update);
QObject::connect(this->item, &DBusStatusNotifierItem::NewIcon, &this->iconName, &AbstractDBusProperty::update);
@ -227,6 +230,15 @@ void StatusNotifierItem::updateIcon() {
emit this->iconChanged();
DBusMenu* StatusNotifierItem::createMenu() const {
auto path = this->menuPath.get().path();
if (!path.isEmpty()) {
return new DBusMenu(this->item->service(), this->menuPath.get().path());
return nullptr;
void StatusNotifierItem::onGetAllFinished() {
if (this->mReady) return;
this->mReady = true;

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <qtypes.h>
#include "../../core/imageprovider.hpp"
#include "../../dbus/dbusmenu/dbusmenu.hpp"
#include "../../dbus/properties.hpp"
#include "dbus_item.h"
#include "dbus_item_types.hpp"
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ public:
[[nodiscard]] bool isReady() const;
[[nodiscard]] QString iconId() const;
[[nodiscard]] QPixmap createPixmap(const QSize& size) const;
[[nodiscard]] qs::dbus::dbusmenu::DBusMenu* createMenu() const;
void activate();
void secondaryActivate();
@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ private:
DBusStatusNotifierItem* item = nullptr;
TrayImageHandle imageHandle {this};
bool mReady = false;
dbus::dbusmenu::DBusMenu* mMenu = nullptr;
// bumped to inhibit caching
quint32 iconIndex = 0;

View file

@ -9,11 +9,13 @@
#include <qtmetamacros.h>
#include <qtypes.h>
#include "../../dbus/dbusmenu/dbusmenu.hpp"
#include "../../dbus/properties.hpp"
#include "host.hpp"
#include "item.hpp"
using namespace qs::dbus;
using namespace qs::dbus::dbusmenu;
using namespace qs::service::sni;
SystemTrayItem::SystemTrayItem(qs::service::sni::StatusNotifierItem* item, QObject* parent)
@ -27,8 +29,11 @@ SystemTrayItem::SystemTrayItem(qs::service::sni::StatusNotifierItem* item, QObje
QObject::connect(this->item, &StatusNotifierItem::iconChanged, this, &SystemTrayItem::iconChanged);
QObject::connect(&this->item->tooltip, &AbstractDBusProperty::changed, this, &SystemTrayItem::tooltipTitleChanged);
QObject::connect(&this->item->tooltip, &AbstractDBusProperty::changed, this, &SystemTrayItem::tooltipDescriptionChanged);
QObject::connect(&this->item->menuPath, &AbstractDBusProperty::changed, this, &SystemTrayItem::onMenuPathChanged);
QObject::connect(&this->item->isMenu, &AbstractDBusProperty::changed, this, &SystemTrayItem::onlyMenuChanged);
// clang-format on
if (!this->item->menuPath.get().path().isEmpty()) this->onMenuPathChanged();
QString SystemTrayItem::id() const {
@ -84,11 +89,25 @@ QString SystemTrayItem::tooltipDescription() const {
return this->item->tooltip.get().description;
DBusMenuItem* SystemTrayItem::menu() const {
if (this->mMenu == nullptr) return nullptr;
return &this->mMenu->rootItem;
bool SystemTrayItem::onlyMenu() const {
if (this->item == nullptr) return false;
return this->item->isMenu.get();
void SystemTrayItem::onMenuPathChanged() {
if (this->mMenu != nullptr) {
this->mMenu = this->item->createMenu();
emit this->menuChanged();
void SystemTrayItem::activate() { this->item->activate(); }
void SystemTrayItem::secondaryActivate() { this->item->secondaryActivate(); }

View file

@ -58,15 +58,14 @@ class SystemTrayItem: public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(QString icon READ icon NOTIFY iconChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(QString tooltipTitle READ tooltipTitle NOTIFY tooltipTitleChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(QString tooltipDescription READ tooltipDescription NOTIFY tooltipDescriptionChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(qs::dbus::dbusmenu::DBusMenuItem* menu READ menu NOTIFY menuChanged);
// If this tray item only offers a menu and no activation action.
Q_PROPERTY(bool onlyMenu READ onlyMenu NOTIFY onlyMenuChanged);
QML_UNCREATABLE("SystemTrayItems can only be acquired from SystemTray");
explicit SystemTrayItem(
qs::service::sni::StatusNotifierItem* item = nullptr,
QObject* parent = nullptr
explicit SystemTrayItem(qs::service::sni::StatusNotifierItem* item, QObject* parent = nullptr);
// Primary activation action, generally triggered via a left click.
Q_INVOKABLE void activate();
@ -84,6 +83,7 @@ public:
[[nodiscard]] QString icon() const;
[[nodiscard]] QString tooltipTitle() const;
[[nodiscard]] QString tooltipDescription() const;
[[nodiscard]] qs::dbus::dbusmenu::DBusMenuItem* menu() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool onlyMenu() const;
@ -94,10 +94,15 @@ signals:
void iconChanged();
void tooltipTitleChanged();
void tooltipDescriptionChanged();
void menuChanged();
void onlyMenuChanged();
private slots:
void onMenuPathChanged();
qs::service::sni::StatusNotifierItem* item = nullptr;
qs::dbus::dbusmenu::DBusMenu* mMenu = nullptr;
friend class SystemTray;