outfoxxed 1da43be6c0
feat: completely redesign hot reloader
The hot reloader previously attempted to figure out which parent a
component would attach to as it loaded. This was fairly error prone as
it was heuristic based and didn't work as soon as you split
definitions into multiple QML files.

The new hot reloader functions by first completely building the widget
tree, then applying the old tree to the first tree and pulling out
usable values. Proxy windows now wait to appear until being reloaded.

Additionally added support for `reloadableId` to help match a
Reloadable to its value in the previous widget tree.
2024-02-16 17:09:50 -08:00

181 lines
5.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qcontainerfwd.h>
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qqmllist.h>
#include <qqmlparserstatus.h>
#include <qquickitem.h>
#include <qquickwindow.h>
#include <qtmetamacros.h>
#include <qtypes.h>
#include "region.hpp"
#include "reload.hpp"
// Proxy to an actual window exposing a limited property set with the ability to
// transfer it to a new window.
// Detaching a window and touching any property is a use after free.
// NOTE: setting an `id` in qml will point to the proxy window and not the real window so things
// like anchors must use `item`.
class ProxyWindowBase: public Reloadable {
/// The QtQuick window backing this window.
/// > [!WARNING] Do not expect values set via this property to work correctly.
/// > Values set this way will almost certainly misbehave across a reload, possibly
/// > even without one.
/// >
/// > Use **only** if you know what you are doing.
Q_PROPERTY(QQuickWindow* _backingWindow READ backingWindow);
/// The visibility of the window.
/// > [!INFO] Windows are not visible by default so you will need to set this to make the window
/// > appear.
Q_PROPERTY(bool visible READ isVisible WRITE setVisible NOTIFY visibleChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(qint32 width READ width WRITE setWidth NOTIFY widthChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(qint32 height READ height WRITE setHeight NOTIFY heightChanged);
/// The background color of the window. Defaults to white.
/// > [!WARNING] This seems to behave weirdly when using transparent colors on some systems.
/// > Using a colored content item over a transparent window is the recommended way to work around this:
/// > ```qml
/// > ProxyWindow {
/// > Rectangle {
/// > anchors.fill: parent
/// > color: "#20ffffff"
/// >
/// > // your content here
/// > }
/// > }
/// > ```
Q_PROPERTY(QColor color READ color WRITE setColor NOTIFY colorChanged);
/// The clickthrough mask. Defaults to null.
/// If non null then the clickable areas of the window will be determined by the provided region.
/// ```qml
/// ProxyShellWindow {
/// // The mask region is set to `rect`, meaning only `rect` is clickable.
/// // All other clicks pass through the window to ones behind it.
/// mask: Region { item: rect }
/// Rectangle {
/// id: rect
/// anchors.centerIn: parent
/// width: 100
/// height: 100
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// If the provided region's intersection mode is `Combine` (the default),
/// then the region will be used as is. Otherwise it will be applied on top of the window region.
/// For example, setting the intersection mode to `Xor` will invert the mask and make everything in
/// the mask region not clickable and pass through clicks inside it through the window.
/// ```qml
/// ProxyShellWindow {
/// // The mask region is set to `rect`, but the intersection mode is set to `Xor`.
/// // This inverts the mask causing all clicks inside `rect` to be passed to the window
/// // behind this one.
/// mask: Region { item: rect; intersection: Intersection.Xor }
/// Rectangle {
/// id: rect
/// anchors.centerIn: parent
/// width: 100
/// height: 100
/// }
/// }
/// ```
Q_PROPERTY(PendingRegion* mask READ mask WRITE setMask NOTIFY maskChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<QObject> data READ data);
Q_CLASSINFO("DefaultProperty", "data");
explicit ProxyWindowBase(QObject* parent = nullptr): Reloadable(parent) {}
~ProxyWindowBase() override;
ProxyWindowBase(ProxyWindowBase&) = delete;
ProxyWindowBase(ProxyWindowBase&&) = delete;
void operator=(ProxyWindowBase&) = delete;
void operator=(ProxyWindowBase&&) = delete;
void onReload(QObject* oldInstance) override;
virtual void setupWindow();
// Disown the backing window and delete all its children.
virtual QQuickWindow* disownWindow();
[[nodiscard]] QQuickWindow* backingWindow() const;
[[nodiscard]] virtual bool isVisible() const;
virtual void setVisible(bool visible);
[[nodiscard]] virtual qint32 width() const;
virtual void setWidth(qint32 width);
[[nodiscard]] virtual qint32 height() const;
virtual void setHeight(qint32 height);
[[nodiscard]] QColor color() const;
void setColor(QColor color);
[[nodiscard]] PendingRegion* mask() const;
void setMask(PendingRegion* mask);
QQmlListProperty<QObject> data();
void windowConnected();
void visibleChanged();
void widthChanged();
void heightChanged();
void colorChanged();
void maskChanged();
private slots:
void onMaskChanged();
bool mVisible = false;
qint32 mWidth = 100;
qint32 mHeight = 100;
QColor mColor;
PendingRegion* mMask = nullptr;
QQuickWindow* window = nullptr;
void updateMask();
QQmlListProperty<QObject> dataBacker();
static void dataAppend(QQmlListProperty<QObject>* prop, QObject* obj);
static qsizetype dataCount(QQmlListProperty<QObject>* prop);
static QObject* dataAt(QQmlListProperty<QObject>* prop, qsizetype i);
static void dataClear(QQmlListProperty<QObject>* prop);
static void dataReplace(QQmlListProperty<QObject>* prop, qsizetype i, QObject* obj);
static void dataRemoveLast(QQmlListProperty<QObject>* prop);
QVector<QObject*> pendingChildren;
// qt attempts to resize the window but fails because wayland
// and only resizes the graphics context which looks terrible.
class ProxyFloatingWindow: public ProxyWindowBase {
// Setting geometry while the window is visible makes the content item shrink but not the window
// which is awful so we disable it for floating windows.
void setWidth(qint32 width) override;
void setHeight(qint32 height) override;